Monday, June 20, 2011


Whats a boring day..truly boring..seriously boring...i kat customer! nothing to do.dah stalk mcm2 pic org blog org tp still nothing..membosankan...wanie ngan nana after lunch td dah selamat membongkang....(BOOOSSS tgok dorg nih....hehe) yg sangt teruk n paling teruk bulan be honest xteruk mana pon sebenar nyer tp ade sebab lain yg membuatkan sale jd teruk...ok salah i... :P
sebenar nyer bukan nak cerita pasal tu....

i nak table talk pasal dunia lama kembali pulang...hadoi..cair mcm aiskrim lagi...dah mcm2 antivirus i bg..Avg avira kapersky and this is the last thing i wanna put.."fire wall" HAHA

moron. i don't want u anymore...stop calling me coz i'm going to keep in touch with u again n again n again...

kau muncul 1 hari nnti ko tenggelam berbulan2..better ko jgn muncul langsung...pergi what u want to do...

thankz utk semua nasihat2,idea2 yg telah diberi n i'll keep it to myself for my future... thankz a lot dear...i hargai mcm mana u ckp u "hargai" i owkay...

so then, i leave u a message last night at 2.30a.m to say "good bye love..". i really mean it bye :)

*no screening your phone number* >.< itu yg terbaik. i wish u all the best!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

update blog @.@

xde mood
sakit kepala
berat naik
kolestrol naik
air kurang
badan xseimbang
duduk memanjang
xbole jln2
xbole shopping
give up
duit habis
habis tenaga
dapat undangan kawen
hati sakit
angin 1 badan
susah tido mlm
kulit sensitif

p/s: rindu abah... selamat hari abah...nak g ziarah abah tp xdak transpot T_T

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Telinga untuk mendengar..

kali nie aku nak cita pasal lagu..adoii aku mmg suka dengar lagu..lagi2 lagu omputeh..aku xtaw aku mmg suka..aku dengar aku cari lirik n aku nak paham apa maksud lagu tu kalo lagu tu best aku hafal la lirik kalo sederhana best aku dengar jew.. xdak keja lain dah....dulu masa kecik2 aku slalu buat buku skolah jd buku lirik....hahaha bengong nya lah haiiii...penuh 1 buku...mcm2 lagu dolu2 lagu campur la..skrang pon aku dengar jugak lagu melayu..aku layan ja smpi nak termenung mengenangkan naseb tu memang x la..aku bukan jiwang taw...haha aku cuma suka dengar..bila aku nak marah aku suka dengar lagu yg jerik2 supo ponde such as linkin tu mmg feverot aku dr zaman skolah..bila aku gedik aku suka dengar lagu rnb smbil joget2 lambak..joget lambak nie aku slalu buat ngan wanie..sbb dia pon suka dance..port slalu kiteorg dlm keta bf dia..kdang2 bf dia pon 1 kepala joget sambil drive...bila aku nak ddk sorg2 cari jalan masadepan..aku suka dgar lagu slow2 jew..kang kalo jerit2 idea xnak sampai dlm pale bila hati aku takut rasa seram sejuk aku tetap akan cari ayat2 suci Al.Quran...yg tu jgk bole kembalikan semangat aku bile rasa seram..don't get me wrong..aku bukan dengar bila aku ada masalah aku senang dgn apa yg aku buat dr dulu,sekarang, n selamanya... :)

situation bila masing2 tgh mencantikkan rambut customer.location manjasari pkns shah alam...."aku rasa mcm duduk dlm library.."tu nama nyer kena perli. tolong la bukak lagu..kdang2 lagu buat kita semangat nak buat yg kita nak pon menjadi...kdang2 rentak lagu pon bole buat kita rasa sekejap atau lama kita buat sesuatu kerja....xcaya try la...haha

ok lah dah pkol 3.25a.m...aku rasa aku dah dapat penyakit susah aku kena jugak lelapkan mata sebab esok aku nak kerja...hmm "kenapa kita mesti kerja???" hadoiii...
owkay nite all.... enjoy sebelum tido.....ngee :)

Friday, June 10, 2011

It was 3.53a.m

i'm here..kat sepang..sampai rumah dlm pkol 11p.m tp skrg dah pkol 4a.m...tetibe lapar weyh..bdan dah mkin naik...tak berani nak g timbang berat nnti hilang selera makan..HAHA (gebang).. tgok2 gambar kat dlm laptop aku..tetibe nmpk aku tgh mkn steamboat...seriously best weyh.... :D gambar nie kat johnny's jusco bukit raja,klang! yup.nie first time aku mkn kat johnny's! :) to all stalker sy promote johnny's! hahaha.

ok yg nie dia cauliflower cheese..aku teringin nak mkn benda nie lagi...xde la sedap mana teringin..ok pic nie aku yg masak sendiri....HAHA nmpk atas cantik tp sebenar nyer kat bwh2 hangit..kuang3! sebab sepatut nya kena masak pkai oven tp aku pkai dapur gas tp api perlahan je la...kang kalo kuat2 terbako plak mangkuk mak cik leha tu..hihi nak taw x resepi nie aku dapat dr mana?? ngee :) sebenar nya aku dapat dari novel..tajuk die "Resepi Hati" ..cite tu not bad khasiat jugak makanan nie taw sbb mcm2 sayur n aku letak minyak zaitun..cume cheese tu jew hg menggemokkn...hahaha gulp! (telan air liur) :-p

yang nie plak nama dia buah koko..pergh manis n best...dah lame gler aku xmkn buah nie..dlu mase kecik2 aku slalu pegi main kat kebun arwah toknek sbb kebun dia ade buah koko! ahaha lame gler aku xmkn buah nie..tapi baru2 nie aku jumpa buah nie kat perkampungan orang asli. nama tempat tu rahsia sbb nnti aku kantoi. wahahaha tp dapat mkn benda nie memang cukup puas...huhu haaa kalo xsalah biji buah tu la yg diproses jadi milo... kalo xsalah la....huhu

sekarang aku dah gemok...berbeza gila dari dulu...warghhh xbole terima....kesimpulan nya lupakan la hasrat nak isi perut.. =.=' dah 4.56a.m..tido je la...jap g nk g amik makngah balik dr umrah..touch down pkol 12a.m....gudnite or gudmorning? haha thankz stalker sudi baca karangan merepek aku..wahahaha :p bye! take care..

Defying gravity

something has changed within me. something is not the same . i through with playing by the rules of someone else's game. too late for second guessing. too late to go back to sleep. its time to trust my instinct. close my eyes and leap... its time to try defying gravity.. i think i'll try defying gravity...kiss me good bye..i'm defying gravity...and u won't bring me down..i'm through with accepting limits cause someone says there so..some thing i cannot change,but till i'll never know..too long i've been afraid of losing love i guess i lost.well, if that's comes at much too high a cost..i'd sooner buy defying gravity. i must defying gravity :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Because i'm stupid....

i'm really very foolish
i know of no one other than u
you're looking at someone else
yet u have no idea of my feeling like this
i wont be in your days
i wont be in memories either,however
only u, i looked only at u
and the tears keep coming
as i watch u walking past,i'm still happy
even though u still don't know my heart
i should stop this and go
i really want to see the day
i'm standing with the pain each day
"i love u" is playing on my lips
alone once again, crying for u
alone once again,missing for u
baby i love u,i'm waiting for u
i wont be in your days
i wont remembered either,however
only u i looked at u
i'm making memories alone
loving u is like having a beautiful wound
i look at your pretty smile also
but i cannot smile with u
bye bye never say good bye
even though i cannot hold u like this
i need u, i cannot say anything more,i want u
i keep on hoping too,i'll keep hoping
i'm thinking about u so much everyday
my heart is hurting in all these sad days
"i want to see u" is playing on my lips
baby i'm waiting for u...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

15 may 2011!

clap! clap! clap! laugh out loud~ now you're out already... u start from this began till the end of time...then you're still're just like "habis manis" n continue your own self! cuz u know what i mean n u knew what kind of u will be..babe, i had nothing to say..i just wanna playing around. i made a little bit fun n fool in my life cuz i did not get all of this from the other side. i'm happy with my old time..then you need a watch to count out to lost all of your memories. the time pass by until your tears drying..yes, i admit you're gorgeous but u can't use your face to collect all of story line... here i don't wanna heard your name anymore.... i'm a hypocrite person when we were saw the same thing in front of my eyes..bubbye!

p/s: kenapa saya letak pic anjing dlm entry nie? wanna know? haha because someone called her "anjing tetttt"! i just followed no need mention her name cuz it will be a virus can't detected... ngee :)