Wednesday, January 21, 2015


when u look into the mirror and see NO CHANGE, and still keep faith, knowing in time u will get there if u stay focused and on track, That's the different between those who succeed and those who fail.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Life is a journey to find yourelf

I got this title from 1 of  my friends. I pinjam ayat u Mr.Nasri. hihi coz I'm so touch with this statement.

Yup life is a journey to find myself. aku memang tengah emo gile sekarang nih.. kenape??
hmm tak rase nak share dgn sesape pun lagi.. kalo aku nak share nnti pndi2 la aku cari ayat..

yg penting aku muak dgn org yg dok berdoa dekat fesbuk. lepaskan tempias marah kat fesbuk. nak emo kat fesbuk. Emo kat blog xpe.. HAHAHA ape beza die? ade beza die yg org lain xnampak...

senang cite aku dah deactive semua akaun aku... padan muka. padan muka aku jugak stop sosial network. Im so tired. 

yg penting aku rindu abah 2.0.

ni lah kesan bila dr kecik terlalu dimanja kan.. bila hilang terkapai2. lost habis. sadis.

tgok la ptg nih kalo aku rajin nk menaip.. kalo tak rajin mmg xde update pape la..


Monday, January 19, 2015

talk less.

Im bored. yes infrequently like this.

Im a happy go lucky person. Laugh out loud. Cheers people around. Make a fool joke to myself and others but lately i can't feel it. different.

such a ridiculous. that not me. sometime i wanna cry for something i don't know. 
sometime i get mad for a very simple thing.

wehh am I getting CRAZYYY???

ohhmaiiiii.... no no no. 

or im getting OLD???

oh NOOO! 

im tired. but i'm getting thinner. HAHAHA

That why I love myself. huahuahuahua


Saturday, January 10, 2015

A Mature relationship

For me, for a being a good relationship with your partner is understanding. confidence and trust to each other.

Tolerance with your partner is not good enough. for your diversity in your relationship to become a true love. we must embrace it. we must understand it. That means understanding each other better.That means knowing more about each other's feeling better. 

It means putting yourself in other person's shoes before you say something. this is not about sympathy . About being able to fight for your right. About to pretend your own decision. 

what is love? 

love.. for me love is "sayang". "Sayang" doesnt mean that u are saying "cinta" to your partner. it may become love as a friend. put your hand to your heart. Ask yourself did u love your boyfriend/girlfriend before being a husband/ wife. Did u feel the butterfly in your stomach?. 

Without "cinta" its hard for you to understand and feel each other. 

and I will tell you sayang. my future husband. This word I havent says to my past. This feeling I havent give to someoone else. Neither. I'll keep for u when u are ready to "akad" my name. I will give to u with full of my heart. Coz when Allah SWT says that u are my mate, I'm very sure that He will give us the right ways to jannah. Amin.

p/s : macam cekodok muka lelaki bila merajuk..   huuuuu =.=' 

Thursday, January 8, 2015



  • TAPI 
  • TAPI
  • TAPI
  • TAPI....

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Punching Bag kesayangan beta.

my nephew 

my love

my son
Zayan Ammar Rahman 


im sleepy. yawn yawn yawn!

smlm balik dr gym terus amik baju keja g tido umah mira kt setia alam. Mandi2 dah nak dekat pkol 1 pagi..die bole ajak layan cite pengantin malam pulak.. haaa memang tak tido la cite die..sampai 2.30 pagi pastu sambung borak pulak.. kat kg aku ade mcm ni kat kg aku ade mcm tu...sampai kesudah tak tido.. xsedar lagi diri tu dah ada komitment.

sampai ofis memang nak kena letak batang mancis kat kelopak mata la..aku turun beli air fresh orange..masam2 pun xjalan.. sbb perut aku xbole amik caffeine kalo tak dah lama settle masalah.. perut reject shop... biase la.. jom cite pasal caffiene!

okeh. aku mmg dr kecik tak bole minum jenis nescafe2 dan seangkatan dgn nya. even sarapan pagi arwah abah. minum petang arwah abah, sahur pagi2 pun mak aku suka bancuh nescafe nescafe nescafe! dah memang tu la feveret adik bradik n arwah abah aku. tapi aku xbole.. tapi kadang2 tu degil gak bau aroma die perghhh! aku sedut jugak.. HAHA lepas tu bg aku masa setengah jam jee...tunggu aku guling buat latihan tekan tubi. HAHAHA gelakkkk.. suke kan... sakit tanggung sendiri...

tapi pernah sekali tu aku buat degil.. aku minum minum minum minum. lantak lah kau perut.... tambah plak skrg mcm2 perisa... oldtown white coffee with hazel nut lah...original lah... latte la... macam2.. plastik tu pun dok tarik aku suruh koyak die. haaaa aku pun hari2 koyak.. hari2 la jugak dok tekan tubi..sampai 1 tahap aku xbole tido terlentang..MENUNGGING AHH sampai terlena. org kata mcm sakit sengugut.  padahal aku alah caffiene. HAHAHAHA suke ko kan...sakit sdri tanggung. padan muka.

oh to be honest! aku xde sengugut yg teruk.. pernah sekaliiii je. tu pun masa sekolah. sakit giler rupa nyer sengugut tu...cuma aku cepat lenguh pinggang kalau badan aku kurang air bila bendera jepun naik.

 back to cite caffeine. sebenar nyer ade baik ade buruk nyer kesan dari caffeine nih.. ye la.. tang baik aku nampak untuk diri aku bila minum nescafe hilang mengantok..tak lemau.. tapi dr segi dalaman memang negative health effect laaa... aku sakit perut. berangin satu badan. and the most important is aku tak suka part nak buang air.... eeeee! sakit hati. aku xsuka bau dia weyhhh termasuk la dtg dr badan aku sdri... iiissssshhhhh! memang aku tuang pencuci Daia bau apple sebotol la dlm toilet bowl. aku bukan la hygiene sangat.. biasa2 je... tp sape yg suka tgok benda kotorkn..

okeh!! malas dah nak bebel... maju lah suka untuk negara...! HAHAHAHA