Saturday, December 24, 2011

Insan yg lemah.

"Disebalik kebaikkan seseorang hamba, terselit jua keburukan nya.Berikanlah dia peluang untuk memperbaiki kesilapan nya."

"Ya Allah Ya Rahman Ya Rahhim..Berikanlah dia petunjuk dan hidayah Mu..Ampuni lah dia...."

"lailahaila anta subhanaka innikuntumminazzolimin" 

La tahzan jangan kau bersedih..kerana Allah lebih mengetahui tahap kesediaan hambaNya.. :')

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mission Impossible.

Haloooooo~ peps! :)

babe, serious serious seriously! aku xtaw nak buat hape sikalang...aku dah kembali ke pangkal jalan...hihi maksud  aku, aku dah balik "teratak" mak aku nih..mcm nie lah aku..jiwa kacau je aku balik ddk rumah sendiri. i think i'm done with shah alam.. Am i??
entah la. aku xbole nak berfikir lah.. even nak main fon sendiri pon aku xde perasaan.aku silent and campak jauh jauhhhh~.XDE MOOD! bole mcm tu? APA PON XBOLE>>>>>>.<<<<<<

sorry for those who i did not pick up your fon...i need some space..playing myspace or facebook ?. neither! PLEASE JANGAN PAKSA!!!

i did not send my resign later yet. 
i did not get any later from my new job yet.
i did not go to clean and clear my rent house yet.
i did not clean my spa as my mom's wish yet.
oh damn! i dont like it!!
too muchhh!!
i'm selfish. YES I AM!!

i have a lot of story to share with.
but i'm not in mood to put my finger on my keyboard too.
sorry again.
bye. :(

*thankiu khalisah..bring me mandi hujan sepuas-puas nya~! i love it! i love u too :)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

I'm so0000 careless!

halooo~ heeee :)
this entri aku nak cite pasal aku punya careless~
tp alhamdullilah setiap apa yg terjadi semuanya selamat.. syukur~

FIRST:  Kisah Kunci Kereta!

satu hari tu aku g lunch kat tingkat 4 kompleks PKNS. dah setle makan mesti la kena g kat counter nak bayar rite~pastu dengan selamba aku letak kunci kereta atas meja cashier sbb nak keluarkan duit dr dompet.dah habis buat pembayaran aku menonong je balik kedai. pastu sembang2 la ngan siti nak pegi cek kiteorg punya KWSP kat bangunan UMNO. then aku tanye siti:

aku :"siti kite nak naik kereta aku ke kereta kau?" (ayat pancing~ HAHA )
siti "xkesah! keta aku pon boleh..." (dalam hati aku...YAHOOO!!) 
aku: "aku macam teringin nak naik myvi hitam la..."
siti :"xpayah la kau nak pancing aku cikkk tannnn~"
aku: "hihihihihi yeay!"

ok aku masih xingat pasal kunci. :( sampai la pukul 8.30p.m aku dah nak balik..sebenar nyer kunci kedai aku ikat skali kunci kereta. then baru aku perasan..."siti....................kunci aku hilang~ :(((((" cari punya cari tetiba siti teringat somethin' "haaa~ td mase aku nak g toilet..ade makcik yg kite jumpa kat tingkat 4 tanya aku ade sesape tinggalkan kunci kereta  kat kdai makan tak...tu kunci kau kot...'
i was like damnnnn! dah pukul 8.30p.m kdai makan tu pulak tutup pukul 6p.m. then aku pergi la mencari makcik tu pastu makcik tu suruh pulak aku mintak no org kedai makan yg pegang kunci aku dkat kdai baju.Alhamdullillah dapat jumpa jugak kunci kereta. tapi aku terpaksa menyusahkan siti pegi cari umah orang kedai makan tu pulak dekat sec19.then patah balik SACC mall amik kereta aku...Alhamdullillah~ syukur... :)

p/s: thankiut cik tiieeyy! :)

SECOND: Kisah Dompet ku!

kisah nie terjadi semalam, 15 Dec 2011. aku pegi tempat kegemaran aku nak tengok wayang cite Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol kat Cineleisure.Damansara. sebab ape aku suke pegi sane? sebab kat sane xramai org n xpayah beratur panjang2! then aku suka makan kat Teh Tarik Place,The Curve sblm masuk wayang. ok yg nie salah satu hobi aku jugak, setiap kali ade cite baru yg best nak keluar movie kat situ la tempat feveret aku..hihi sambil tunggu wayang pukul 11p.m aku lepak makan sekejap pastukan aku jumpe Iqramdnzly~ (aku xreti eja nama dia..) die pakai snow cap same ngan aku....~ uhuuuu~ HAHA (gedik gile!) tapi muka dia mencerminkan aku pada somebody la.. :( ok biar je lah die kusyuk mendengar cerita hebat kawan die...

dah masuk wayang aku duduk asing ngan member aku lagi 2 org tuh sbb panggung xde sit untuk 3 aku no problem jew..aku pon bukan berjenis nak flash back sendiri ondaspot..habis kurang pon aku akan ckp "gile lahh"," baaaaaaaaaaaa~ upps" ,"gempak sialllll~" yg selebih nyer aku suka diam n focus.
aku xtaw sit sblh aku lelaki atau perempuan! pastukan...tetibe YAHOOOOO! baru ade aura feel nak tengok wayang......~ HAHAHAHA encem nyer~ uhuuuuu B-) rase rugi xbagi bisnes card aku kad die! HAHA gedik lah ko intan...... :-/

Ondaway balik kat Batu3 to Shah alam .damn! touch n go aku dah aku keluarkan la dompet aku dr beg selempang nk bayar cash..pastu dah hanta member kat sec19 then trus balik sec7.  Almost 2a.m..biasa laa menyewa kat umah flat memang payah nak dpat aku parking jauh la jugak dengan umah..dah la gelap..on the way nak naik umah.. aku ade nmpk polis naik moto meronda kawasan tu..fuhh rase safety skit..tapi dorg pulak pandang aku semacam je..maybe sbb aku just pakai hood sweater n pegang snow cap then pakai beg slempang. macam pencuri pulak aku rase..tetibe aku terase.."kenape beg aku ringan semacam eh?" dah raba2 beg aku..emm enset ade..kunci rumah ade..kunci kereta still kat tangan aku xmasuk beg lagi..Oh damnnn! dompet tetinggal dalam kereta!!!! urghhhh INTANNNNN!!! DAH LA GELAPPPP NK PEGI KAT KETA BALIK!!! mase tu aku 50/50 je nak patah balik, lagipun mesti polis tu dah belah jauh...tapi kang org nmpk dompet dlm keta..lain pulak jadi nyer...ishh! dah separuh jalan aku nk g kat kereta..aku nampak polis tu lagi...fuhh selamat die ade..tetibe die lalu sebelah aku, die panggil...ahh! sudah.......dah la mase tu 2.30pg dah kot dgn i.c pon dlm keta...then dia tanya;

polis: adik nak pegi mana nih pagi2?
aku: saye nak pegi kat kereta..dompet saya tertinggal dlm kereta..
polis: name adik sape?
aku: intan..
polis: dompet adik tecicir kat tepi kereta..keta livina hitam kn?
aku: huh?????!!!! Ya Allah! saya ingat dalam kereta..Aah tu keta saya..
polis: tunggu kejap! dompet adik ade kat abg yg naik moto lagi sorang tu..

(abg polis lg sorg sampai die trus bg balik dompet aku..) Alhamdullillah..

polis: Nah! cek dalam dompet dulu takut ade pape yg hilang,tengok i.c skali....
aku: ok jap!
aku: ye saya...terima kasih sangat2!
polis: kenape muka kat i.c lain? 
aku: Allah~ nie mase saya kurus... HAHAHAHA terima kasih,terima kasih, terima kasih! 

Alhamdullilah..dengan pantas aku berlari anak balik rumah..huhuhu seram toqqq, rase nak tercabut jantung makkkkk~ 

ok! end of the story morey~ aku memang la careless! ishh! 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


i was thinking about her..
thinking about me
thinking about us!!
what we gonna be??

its will be just a dream?
end of the year just like year end sale.

take me home please.... 
guide me please.....

Saturday, December 10, 2011


It was 2.57a.m..aku xtido lagi...aku tgh melayan cerita korea "seeking love"..hihi
aku tarik luas-luas langsir bilik aku...
uhuuuu sejuk nya angin! :) aku dah baring tetibe aku rase mata aku terang giler.
aku nmpk bulan.....cantikkkk :) 
alhamdullilah.. :) 

suddenly, aku teringat kau...
kau n aku suka tengok bulan kan?
:) jom tengok gerhana bulan...... :) 

ok jom tido berteman kan bulan...
OH BULAN sampaikan rinduku...~

*jiwang siottt mcm awie dlm cerita sembilu....* 

Friday, December 9, 2011


:) :) :) :) :)
thankz beliau! 
aku hilang yg baru tapi yg lama datang balik  :) Alhamdullilah~ :)
[senyum smpi telinga nih....]
yeayyy! thankz sbb xlupa.
kalau lupa biar aku nyanyikan lagu pompa bensin.
satu mlm aku xtido..memikirkan cara nak runtuhkan ego 
sambil mengimbas kenangan kita...
xsalah aku mengalah untuk kebaikkan..
ok aku dah x mengharapkan apa-apa!
aku cuma nak kau n aku senyum sampai telinga..
mulai sekarang....
mulut orang aku akan letak tepi..
aku janji!!! :) Insyaallah.... ;-)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

How to Be the Quality Person Who Will Attract Quality People by Cucan Pemo

Being a good quality person is important to us. We want to attract others that will like us for who we are and not what we pretend to be. It is a good idea to be who you are all the time and not let anyone else determine who you are personality is going to be. You are who you are and that is a great way to be. You have to be proud of who you are and that will take you a long way in life and to do what you feel is important at the same time.
1) Doing well in your life is important.
This will make you feel good about the person that you are and what you are doing in life. There is nothing better than being proud of who you are and what you do. When others notice the great achievements that you have accomplished with your personality, they will like you too. We all want to have people in our life that make us feel good. We do not want to surround ourselves around low people that make us feel bad and worthless. The most important thing that we can do is make sure that we are a good quality person so that we can find the same in the people that we attract.
2) You should not be afraid to express who you are in side.
If you are hiding the fact that you like something or want to do something, you are only adding to the problem. You have to be willing to let others see you for who you are so that they can continue to feel good about being around you and having you in their life. This is a very big goal and one that you should be ready to do. Do not let anyone stand in your way of letting your own personal expressions come out in life. This is what will take you farther in life and give you the goals that are so important to have when you are meeting new people and when you are doing just about anything in life.
3) Living life to the fullest
Living life to the fullest is something that you want to do and you want to do it with the right people that will make you feel good about who you are inside and out. Having a good quality of people to share things with will make you a happier person and give you the goals in life that are important to you as well. Do not be afraid to stand up for yourself and make decisions about the people that you want to have in your life. Get the negative out so that you can have more positive in your own life.
4) Do not take things too personally.
You have to be willing to fail when it comes to finding friends. You will have people in your life that make you feel good about who you are. When you find the people that make your life complete, you will feel better in your own life and have good people in your life that you can trust and know that they are there for you to count on.
5) Getting to the point in life where you can be happy with your friends is so important.
You want to be comfortable with them and have a good feeling each time you are around them. This is what will make your self esteem grow in life and give you a positive feedback that will allow you to grow as a person and be more open with your friends and the other people around you.
6) Having self-confidence maybe the best thing ever.
You want to have a lot of self-confidence in the person that you are. This will help you find the strength to be more open and to be more of a positive person no matter what you are doing. This will give you the power to attract a higher quality of people so that you can find the friends that are going to make to complete your life and give you all that you are looking for.
7) Do not be too judgmental when it comes to your friends.
They are just like you and are allowed to make mistakes from time to time. There is nothing wrong with this and you should not judge them too critically. You have to understand and you will in return find that you get the same understanding when it comes to you making mistakes as well.
Treat the people around you like you would want to be treated. This is the only way that you can defiantly find the type of people that you want to have in your life. You will find that you will have a higher quality of people surrounding you and you will be able to fill your life with good friends that will be there for you no matter what.