Whats a boring day..truly boring..seriously boring...i kat salun.yes..no customer! nothing to do.dah stalk mcm2 pic org blog org tp still nothing..membosankan...wanie ngan nana after lunch td dah selamat membongkang....(BOOOSSS tgok dorg nih....hehe) hadoi..sale yg sangt teruk n paling teruk bulan nih..to be honest xteruk mana pon sebenar nyer tp ade sebab lain yg membuatkan sale jd teruk...ok salah i... :P
sebenar nyer bukan nak cerita pasal tu....
i nak table talk pasal dunia lama kembali pulang...hadoi..cair mcm aiskrim lagi...dah mcm2 antivirus i bg..Avg avira kapersky and this is the last thing i wanna put.."fire wall" HAHA
moron. i don't want u anymore...stop calling me coz i'm going to keep in touch with u again n again n again...
kau muncul 1 hari nnti ko tenggelam berbulan2..better ko jgn muncul langsung...pergi la..do what u want to do...
thankz utk semua nasihat2,idea2 yg telah diberi n i'll keep it to myself for my future... thankz a lot dear...i hargai mcm mana u ckp u "hargai" i owkay...
so then, i leave u a message last night at 2.30a.m to say "good bye love..". i really mean it bye :)
*no screening your phone number* >.< itu yg terbaik. i wish u all the best!