Saturday, December 31, 2011

Cendol bawah pokok

satu hari tu aku berceloteh pada beliau...

pic nie aku google jew, aku xsnap cendol yg aku makan pon.. :P

aku: aku suka makan cendol n laksa bawah pokok..^.^..uuuuu...nikmat nyer..duduk ats kerusi xpayah guna      meja pon xpe..lapik guna tangan jew... huhuhu
beliau: aah gile kot~

29 dec 2011.

aku: aku nmpk org makan bawah pokok....
beliau: nk mkn cendol kew?
aku: ishh mesti best...jap g kite datang balik eh?
beliau: ish! ko ni perut ape? (kiteorg baru jew lpas makan maggie goreng..AKU MAKAN XHABIS OK!)
aku: jap lagi kite datang balik taw~ (sambil gelak gelak gedik)
org belakang: patut la bulat je! (sambil gelak2)
beliau: yelah...tapi kite pegi la hanta resume dulu!
aku: oii aku bahagia la..HAHA yeayyy! makan cendol bawah pokok!!
beliau: cube bayangkan tengah makan tetibe gagak datang berak. puikk seketul dlm cendol susah nak cari..
aku: hoiii!! yulks (tekak aku dah loya!!!!!)
beliau n org belakang dah gelak macam haremmm...siod lahhh...ape ade hal..asalkan aku dapat makan bawah pokok! HAHA

dah drop kiteorg punye resume. then  pusing balik pegi gerai bawah pokok tu..dorang makan xhabis...beliau makan xhabis sebab ade cendol ori melekat dlm hidung!!! urghh pengotttorr! org belakang pulak cakap xsedap.HAHA aku?? licinnnnnnn~  walaupun santan tu buat aku muak n meloyakan tekak aku, tapi peduli ape aku..asalkn aku puas....HAHA!

p/s: aku memang suka makan bawah pokok..speechless...untung la sape kawen ngan aku taw..xpayah susah2 bwk aku g mkn kat hotel 5star. HAHA  (lempang slow2)


naseb la kau kalau kena block lepas tu..HAHAHA

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thanks for everything :)

i don't know what kind of title for this entri. i have no idea.

yg aku nak ckp just thankz al0t untuk "beliau"..(malas nak sebut nama)
 kenapa? up to me..
thanks for what?  sbb tolong angkat barang2 aku...hihi
aku ingat sekali angkut je bole jalan...
tapi bila aku kumpul setempat before angkut masuk keta..
dengan "riang" beliau gelak...
HOHOHO banyak giler owkay... 
aku pon xsedar barang aku sebanyak tu...
kesian beliau..hihi tapi beliau memang sbb beliau tolong aku naik turun angkat barang la..HAHA :))
beliau beliau beliau!!! :) Alhamdullilah. a year without rain.everything gonna be fine. insyaAllah. 
I always pray for us. 

mase nie langsir lintang pukang sbb xpakai cangkuk die lagi..HAHA

rumah bujang kesayangan ku.. huhu sepanjang aku menjadi penghuni rumah sewa this is my first time aku merasa mcm duduk rumah family..bilik aku colour biru..aku dah snap pic. tp aku dah terdelete..sobsob..even aku xde gambar tp segenap ruang bilik aku sentiasa ada dlm kepala otak..hihi simple je rumah aku suka... :) tema merah, putih n hitam nih wanie yg pilih...aku ok je...nice what~ :) tapi semua nih dah tinggal kenangan..apa yg jadi or terjadi..aku simpan kemas dlm kenangan owkay! :)

"sometime we have to make the wrong decision just to get it right...". 
"sometime perkataan "sorry" tu bole terbalikkan keadaan" and
"sometime diam tu lebih baik untuk selamat kan keadaan.".........
sorry for all of what i said and done...what i give, i get back..karma.

esok ade gov open interview !! 
wish me luck!! insyaAllah... 
untuk beliau jugak..good luck! 


Saturday, December 24, 2011

Insan yg lemah.

"Disebalik kebaikkan seseorang hamba, terselit jua keburukan nya.Berikanlah dia peluang untuk memperbaiki kesilapan nya."

"Ya Allah Ya Rahman Ya Rahhim..Berikanlah dia petunjuk dan hidayah Mu..Ampuni lah dia...."

"lailahaila anta subhanaka innikuntumminazzolimin" 

La tahzan jangan kau bersedih..kerana Allah lebih mengetahui tahap kesediaan hambaNya.. :')

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mission Impossible.

Haloooooo~ peps! :)

babe, serious serious seriously! aku xtaw nak buat hape sikalang...aku dah kembali ke pangkal jalan...hihi maksud  aku, aku dah balik "teratak" mak aku nih..mcm nie lah aku..jiwa kacau je aku balik ddk rumah sendiri. i think i'm done with shah alam.. Am i??
entah la. aku xbole nak berfikir lah.. even nak main fon sendiri pon aku xde perasaan.aku silent and campak jauh jauhhhh~.XDE MOOD! bole mcm tu? APA PON XBOLE>>>>>>.<<<<<<

sorry for those who i did not pick up your fon...i need some space..playing myspace or facebook ?. neither! PLEASE JANGAN PAKSA!!!

i did not send my resign later yet. 
i did not get any later from my new job yet.
i did not go to clean and clear my rent house yet.
i did not clean my spa as my mom's wish yet.
oh damn! i dont like it!!
too muchhh!!
i'm selfish. YES I AM!!

i have a lot of story to share with.
but i'm not in mood to put my finger on my keyboard too.
sorry again.
bye. :(

*thankiu khalisah..bring me mandi hujan sepuas-puas nya~! i love it! i love u too :)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

I'm so0000 careless!

halooo~ heeee :)
this entri aku nak cite pasal aku punya careless~
tp alhamdullilah setiap apa yg terjadi semuanya selamat.. syukur~

FIRST:  Kisah Kunci Kereta!

satu hari tu aku g lunch kat tingkat 4 kompleks PKNS. dah setle makan mesti la kena g kat counter nak bayar rite~pastu dengan selamba aku letak kunci kereta atas meja cashier sbb nak keluarkan duit dr dompet.dah habis buat pembayaran aku menonong je balik kedai. pastu sembang2 la ngan siti nak pegi cek kiteorg punya KWSP kat bangunan UMNO. then aku tanye siti:

aku :"siti kite nak naik kereta aku ke kereta kau?" (ayat pancing~ HAHA )
siti "xkesah! keta aku pon boleh..." (dalam hati aku...YAHOOO!!) 
aku: "aku macam teringin nak naik myvi hitam la..."
siti :"xpayah la kau nak pancing aku cikkk tannnn~"
aku: "hihihihihi yeay!"

ok aku masih xingat pasal kunci. :( sampai la pukul 8.30p.m aku dah nak balik..sebenar nyer kunci kedai aku ikat skali kunci kereta. then baru aku perasan..."siti....................kunci aku hilang~ :(((((" cari punya cari tetiba siti teringat somethin' "haaa~ td mase aku nak g toilet..ade makcik yg kite jumpa kat tingkat 4 tanya aku ade sesape tinggalkan kunci kereta  kat kdai makan tak...tu kunci kau kot...'
i was like damnnnn! dah pukul 8.30p.m kdai makan tu pulak tutup pukul 6p.m. then aku pergi la mencari makcik tu pastu makcik tu suruh pulak aku mintak no org kedai makan yg pegang kunci aku dkat kdai baju.Alhamdullillah dapat jumpa jugak kunci kereta. tapi aku terpaksa menyusahkan siti pegi cari umah orang kedai makan tu pulak dekat sec19.then patah balik SACC mall amik kereta aku...Alhamdullillah~ syukur... :)

p/s: thankiut cik tiieeyy! :)

SECOND: Kisah Dompet ku!

kisah nie terjadi semalam, 15 Dec 2011. aku pegi tempat kegemaran aku nak tengok wayang cite Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol kat Cineleisure.Damansara. sebab ape aku suke pegi sane? sebab kat sane xramai org n xpayah beratur panjang2! then aku suka makan kat Teh Tarik Place,The Curve sblm masuk wayang. ok yg nie salah satu hobi aku jugak, setiap kali ade cite baru yg best nak keluar movie kat situ la tempat feveret aku..hihi sambil tunggu wayang pukul 11p.m aku lepak makan sekejap pastukan aku jumpe Iqramdnzly~ (aku xreti eja nama dia..) die pakai snow cap same ngan aku....~ uhuuuu~ HAHA (gedik gile!) tapi muka dia mencerminkan aku pada somebody la.. :( ok biar je lah die kusyuk mendengar cerita hebat kawan die...

dah masuk wayang aku duduk asing ngan member aku lagi 2 org tuh sbb panggung xde sit untuk 3 aku no problem jew..aku pon bukan berjenis nak flash back sendiri ondaspot..habis kurang pon aku akan ckp "gile lahh"," baaaaaaaaaaaa~ upps" ,"gempak sialllll~" yg selebih nyer aku suka diam n focus.
aku xtaw sit sblh aku lelaki atau perempuan! pastukan...tetibe YAHOOOOO! baru ade aura feel nak tengok wayang......~ HAHAHAHA encem nyer~ uhuuuuu B-) rase rugi xbagi bisnes card aku kad die! HAHA gedik lah ko intan...... :-/

Ondaway balik kat Batu3 to Shah alam .damn! touch n go aku dah aku keluarkan la dompet aku dr beg selempang nk bayar cash..pastu dah hanta member kat sec19 then trus balik sec7.  Almost 2a.m..biasa laa menyewa kat umah flat memang payah nak dpat aku parking jauh la jugak dengan umah..dah la gelap..on the way nak naik umah.. aku ade nmpk polis naik moto meronda kawasan tu..fuhh rase safety skit..tapi dorg pulak pandang aku semacam je..maybe sbb aku just pakai hood sweater n pegang snow cap then pakai beg slempang. macam pencuri pulak aku rase..tetibe aku terase.."kenape beg aku ringan semacam eh?" dah raba2 beg aku..emm enset ade..kunci rumah ade..kunci kereta still kat tangan aku xmasuk beg lagi..Oh damnnn! dompet tetinggal dalam kereta!!!! urghhhh INTANNNNN!!! DAH LA GELAPPPP NK PEGI KAT KETA BALIK!!! mase tu aku 50/50 je nak patah balik, lagipun mesti polis tu dah belah jauh...tapi kang org nmpk dompet dlm keta..lain pulak jadi nyer...ishh! dah separuh jalan aku nk g kat kereta..aku nampak polis tu lagi...fuhh selamat die ade..tetibe die lalu sebelah aku, die panggil...ahh! sudah.......dah la mase tu 2.30pg dah kot dgn i.c pon dlm keta...then dia tanya;

polis: adik nak pegi mana nih pagi2?
aku: saye nak pegi kat kereta..dompet saya tertinggal dlm kereta..
polis: name adik sape?
aku: intan..
polis: dompet adik tecicir kat tepi kereta..keta livina hitam kn?
aku: huh?????!!!! Ya Allah! saya ingat dalam kereta..Aah tu keta saya..
polis: tunggu kejap! dompet adik ade kat abg yg naik moto lagi sorang tu..

(abg polis lg sorg sampai die trus bg balik dompet aku..) Alhamdullillah..

polis: Nah! cek dalam dompet dulu takut ade pape yg hilang,tengok i.c skali....
aku: ok jap!
aku: ye saya...terima kasih sangat2!
polis: kenape muka kat i.c lain? 
aku: Allah~ nie mase saya kurus... HAHAHAHA terima kasih,terima kasih, terima kasih! 

Alhamdullilah..dengan pantas aku berlari anak balik rumah..huhuhu seram toqqq, rase nak tercabut jantung makkkkk~ 

ok! end of the story morey~ aku memang la careless! ishh! 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


i was thinking about her..
thinking about me
thinking about us!!
what we gonna be??

its will be just a dream?
end of the year just like year end sale.

take me home please.... 
guide me please.....

Saturday, December 10, 2011


It was 2.57a.m..aku xtido lagi...aku tgh melayan cerita korea "seeking love"..hihi
aku tarik luas-luas langsir bilik aku...
uhuuuu sejuk nya angin! :) aku dah baring tetibe aku rase mata aku terang giler.
aku nmpk bulan.....cantikkkk :) 
alhamdullilah.. :) 

suddenly, aku teringat kau...
kau n aku suka tengok bulan kan?
:) jom tengok gerhana bulan...... :) 

ok jom tido berteman kan bulan...
OH BULAN sampaikan rinduku...~

*jiwang siottt mcm awie dlm cerita sembilu....* 

Friday, December 9, 2011


:) :) :) :) :)
thankz beliau! 
aku hilang yg baru tapi yg lama datang balik  :) Alhamdullilah~ :)
[senyum smpi telinga nih....]
yeayyy! thankz sbb xlupa.
kalau lupa biar aku nyanyikan lagu pompa bensin.
satu mlm aku xtido..memikirkan cara nak runtuhkan ego 
sambil mengimbas kenangan kita...
xsalah aku mengalah untuk kebaikkan..
ok aku dah x mengharapkan apa-apa!
aku cuma nak kau n aku senyum sampai telinga..
mulai sekarang....
mulut orang aku akan letak tepi..
aku janji!!! :) Insyaallah.... ;-)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

How to Be the Quality Person Who Will Attract Quality People by Cucan Pemo

Being a good quality person is important to us. We want to attract others that will like us for who we are and not what we pretend to be. It is a good idea to be who you are all the time and not let anyone else determine who you are personality is going to be. You are who you are and that is a great way to be. You have to be proud of who you are and that will take you a long way in life and to do what you feel is important at the same time.
1) Doing well in your life is important.
This will make you feel good about the person that you are and what you are doing in life. There is nothing better than being proud of who you are and what you do. When others notice the great achievements that you have accomplished with your personality, they will like you too. We all want to have people in our life that make us feel good. We do not want to surround ourselves around low people that make us feel bad and worthless. The most important thing that we can do is make sure that we are a good quality person so that we can find the same in the people that we attract.
2) You should not be afraid to express who you are in side.
If you are hiding the fact that you like something or want to do something, you are only adding to the problem. You have to be willing to let others see you for who you are so that they can continue to feel good about being around you and having you in their life. This is a very big goal and one that you should be ready to do. Do not let anyone stand in your way of letting your own personal expressions come out in life. This is what will take you farther in life and give you the goals that are so important to have when you are meeting new people and when you are doing just about anything in life.
3) Living life to the fullest
Living life to the fullest is something that you want to do and you want to do it with the right people that will make you feel good about who you are inside and out. Having a good quality of people to share things with will make you a happier person and give you the goals in life that are important to you as well. Do not be afraid to stand up for yourself and make decisions about the people that you want to have in your life. Get the negative out so that you can have more positive in your own life.
4) Do not take things too personally.
You have to be willing to fail when it comes to finding friends. You will have people in your life that make you feel good about who you are. When you find the people that make your life complete, you will feel better in your own life and have good people in your life that you can trust and know that they are there for you to count on.
5) Getting to the point in life where you can be happy with your friends is so important.
You want to be comfortable with them and have a good feeling each time you are around them. This is what will make your self esteem grow in life and give you a positive feedback that will allow you to grow as a person and be more open with your friends and the other people around you.
6) Having self-confidence maybe the best thing ever.
You want to have a lot of self-confidence in the person that you are. This will help you find the strength to be more open and to be more of a positive person no matter what you are doing. This will give you the power to attract a higher quality of people so that you can find the friends that are going to make to complete your life and give you all that you are looking for.
7) Do not be too judgmental when it comes to your friends.
They are just like you and are allowed to make mistakes from time to time. There is nothing wrong with this and you should not judge them too critically. You have to understand and you will in return find that you get the same understanding when it comes to you making mistakes as well.
Treat the people around you like you would want to be treated. This is the only way that you can defiantly find the type of people that you want to have in your life. You will find that you will have a higher quality of people surrounding you and you will be able to fill your life with good friends that will be there for you no matter what.

What's a day??

2.14am..xda tmpt tido..
perghhh satu per satu....
one by one..
sakit jiwa aku kalo hari-hari mcm nih..
xde uban pon bole naik uban..

kalo nak sakit hati hari-hari pon xbole jugak..

mkn kelubi buah tangan njang lg best!!

forgive but not to forget.

ish..uhh.. ok dah no more lepas nih...

negative mmg menyakitkan hati,
positif xpe jadikan pengajaran..

berulang kali mulut bercakap,berpesan,berhati-hati..
tapi mata still kelabu..

(clap clap clap!!)

esok balik johor. tp aku dah xde mood.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I'll back of so u can live :')

I leave u alone so u have a great life
say it properly
look at me, look at in to my eyes n say it
why did u say good bye
do u want to end it between us?
i know u u've got a new girl
i know u've got bored of me
although the tears are filling out
i leave u alone so u have to a great life
that's all i can say
i'll forget about it so u have a great life
be happy even without me
the love u've thrown away
take it with u
take it all of it away
don't even bother to say sorry
don't worry about me

sorry my sweaty
your lips that are supposed to leave from my side
looks resentful today for some reason
i have to hold u back
but words wont come out
and u already drifting apart

i know u will forget all about me
i know i will end up hating u
although i know everything

u were reason to live
u were everything i've ever wanted
u. its me 
who used to care about no one else 
but u
why? why are u leaving from my side?
why are u throwing me away?
u were gonna be like this anyways
so why did u love me?
do u remember
the day when we've met for first time?
i still remember it
those words u've promised
u said i would care and protect me and only me
u said u don't love anybody but me
i believed u
i believed your lies

Did u really love me?

Monday, November 21, 2011

Good girls go bad

hye beb.
nape aku guna title "good girls go bad"?
sbb aku tgh dgar lagu tu..hehe

beb..aku dilanda kecikiwa..siod je aku kn..bila keciwa baru teringat blogspot..bila suka, aku lupa...baguskn aku..hoho maybe sbb aku xde buku diary kot. and aku pon bukan berjenis nk mengadu ape2 dgan org..tipu la tak pernah mengadu langsung tapi mungkin xterluah apa yg sebenar kot. well Aku memang seorg yg ego. not at all. Aku manusia biasa.simple.

beb, betul ke org ckp kalo kita suka hari nie,jangan terlalu suka sangat sbb esok kita mungkin berduka? tapi dah takdir yg tertulis rase nyer.. huwarghh @.@~

tapiii aku tersangatlah kecikiwa....huwarghh @.@~

beb, dah lama aku xmenangis..rase nk pecah kepala otak tahan nafas... :'(

1 hari aku menangis kecewa, 1 hari menanggung masalah...

Ya Allah,Ya Rahman,Ya Rahim..
Cintaku hanya untukmu.. jujur.. :'(

Aku percaya kenapa aku tidak dibenarkan bercinta sesama manusia..
sukarnya aku nak meluahkan rasa cinta untuk seorang manusia..
sebab aku akan leka dengan cinta dunia...
dan mungkin aku tidak dibenarkan mengenali cinta manusia sebelum waktu nya..
aku selalu tertanya "cinta tu apa??" dengan perasaan ego manusia aku jwb"pls la intan xpayah nk jiwang sangat la...HAHA"
Now i know...sedetik aku leka...
Aku terlupa cintaku untukMu...
Cintaku untuk ibubapa ku... :( :'( :"(

Abah.. Mak...sorry..for what i've done...a secret from the bottom of my heart.

Ya Allah, aku maafkan dia atas semua kesalahannya terhadapku.
Aku percaya dia sedang mencari dirinya..
Jauhkan la diri ku dari nya...
Jauhkan la dia dariku...
kerana aku manusia biasa...

serpihan kenangan xkan intan lupa...
even intan dah xda bukti untuk dikenang.
cinta tu buta..
intan minta maaf dan intan maafkan segalanya.
sekarang intan faham..
tapi dengan hati yg ikhlas...
intan doakan semoga bahagia.
apa pon keputusan intan terima.
redha ikhlas pasrah dan percaya pada takdir..


i feel so000 tenang... :)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

RINDU anda~

Today was just one of those days where everything I did reminded me of u and every song I heard somehow related to u. I hate days like today,  because they remind me of the one thing I don't have.

tidak TER ucap how i much I really miss your smile,laugh,mad,caring...

more than 14 days~ 

Friday, November 4, 2011

ooo000 balik kampung~

my lovely family :)
yahoooo00 gua semangat nih nak balik kampung...HEHE ok bukan kali nie jew...mmg everytime nak balik aku ngan family akan buat plan cantik2 punye nak balik susun jadual cuti awal2..and and and xpernah xjadi owkay....kiteorg akan balik beramai2 maksud nyer bukan bertolak 1 kereta..haaa~  maklum lew..dulu balik 1 keta pon bole hentam..skrg masing2 1 seat 1 orang..HAHA

ok sepatut nyer aku dah odw skrg nih..tapi memandangkan aku kena kerja dulu haishhh terpaksa bersabar tolak ptg esok dgn mak aku..huk huk huk xkesahla asalkan sampai...xde hal nyer kalo abg aku bwak kete... kdang2 xsampai 4 jam dr sepang ke kedah NO RnR!...HAHAHA kami memang bukan penyabar orang nyer.. hehe

and balik kali nie aku harap2 bole jumpa "somebody" at "somewhere" utk settlekan masalah yg dah lama bergunung..hmm masalah ape? masalah what as i told u before..i kena jugak letak titik noktah...i dah creat essay utk u dr raya puasa sampai raya haji nak tiba tp still xbole bacakan essay i utk u...i wish i can do it for this time honey! :)

ok lah u olls..gua nak balik dah...yeayyyyyy!! ooooooo00 balikkk kampunggg~
gua suka kampung gua...aman jew.. hati gua tenang tgok sungai..cewahh berjiwang pulak..
i'm coming KEDAH DARUL AMAN.

P/S: kepada mereka yang xbole balik kampung padan muka..WAHAHAHA :))

pic nie kat sungai mase family gathering raya haji tahun lepas.. :) 


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Manusia dan Wang

entry nie aku nak cakap pasal manusia dan wang...
wang tu ape? 
wang tu Jalan Wang..uhh
Duit taw x? bahasa inggeris nyer einnie money.. 
kalo xtaw jugak anda luku kepala sendiri bole?..

ok manusia dan wang nie mmg xbole dipisahkan btol x?
mmg la org ckp "ko cari la harta berjuta tapi bukan bole bwak masuk kubur"
memang la..itu kalo ko dah masuk kubur tp sementara ko xmasuk kubur lagi ko mmg perlukan duitkan?
ayat aku mungkin cuba fikir cara halus..
manusia nie bermcm2 akal...kdang2 sbb duit sanggup gadai maruah.sanggup merompak sanggup buat keja kotor..
tapi kat sini aku xnak ckp pasal benda lumrah manusia tu..yg tu karangan darjah 6 pon bole settle...
aku nak cakap pasal janji manusia dengan wang. faham? xfaham sudah.... :p

Bila manusia perlukan kehendak..manusia gunakan wang utk beli semangat. untuk bakar semangat manusia lain..sebab ape? sebab manusia kan mmg xbole dipisahkan dengan wang..berjanji bagai nak memberi segunung everest. so mata manusia pon terkabur dengan janji2 manis..menaruh harapan macam nak mintak pelempang goku! tapi bila tugas dah dilaksanakan...HAHA janji tinggal janji..everest dah jadi gunung fuji..nmpk cantik dari jauh tapi kita taw apa beza nya dua gunung nih kn...itu anugerah Allah SWT..aku just umpamakan gunung2 tu jew..jgn la negative sangat..

nie gunung fuji
gunung everest
Tapi jauh mana je sugar glider tu nak melompat? lupa ke dunia nie sementara jew? luaran nmpk hebat tapi dalam diam manusia yg berjanji mcm hampeh! nie la name nyer "cakap xserupa bikin" no wonder lah kn...

ok sebanar nyer semua nie luahan xpuas hati aku jew..aku bukan mengharap seorang manusia yg perfect sbb aku pon xperfect tapi aku taw ko mampu nak melunaskan janji cuma ko tamak..ko xnmpk keringat yg aku bagi..yg buruk jew ko nmpk kn? huh! aku tersilap langkah lagi..yes, payah aku nk jumpa manusia mcm ko. xpernah marah face to face. tp ko psycho!! itu lagi sakit dari ko tunjuk muka yourself la...

dah la aku xde mood dah nak menaip. setahun  aku jadi mcm org bodoh ikot telunjuk tp ko sikit pon xhargai kn...aku ubah sikap demi janji tapi sakit yg aku dapat..ok aku pon ade salah jugak tapi altis terang2 aku tunjuk..aku taw ko xprnah marah tapi ko guna cara lain utk tunjuk balasan ko kn? seriusly thankiu so much..ko kenalkan aku satu perangai manusia mcm ko..


oh kerana duit ko jugak hutang ptptn aku settle..terima kasih banyak2! now apa yang aku nak buat..biar aku fikir dulu..sekian. 

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Hye! nak taw x?
kekusutan merangkumi segala nya..
semak kepala merunsingkan minda..
pinar menyakitkan mata..
paham? xpaham sudah... :p

ok first of all.. aku masih dengan tamak haloba..aku merancang sesuatu..tapi xtaw la dpat ke tidak..
tapi insyaallah aku akan mulakan dengan bismillah..and aku akan cuba akhirkan dengan alhamdullillah..
insyaallah kalau ade rezeki aku nak buat business spa lagi..tapi still dlm perancangan..
xtaw kenape aku asyik nmpk section 7 shah alam..tapi aku tau tahap mana kemampuan aku..
actly, banyak risiko tapi aku nak cuba bangun..aku nak something business yang formal..
the most important is aku kena berusaha...aku kena disiplinkan diri sendiri, aku kena ada rasa tanggungjawab. 
go go chiyokk INTAN!! 
tipu kalau aku xnak bantuan tapi aku xnak menyusahkan org..
aku cuma nak sokongan..

sokongan mak dah lulus...yeayy! tu paling u mom!
i will fight for it~ <3

*tukar topik
oh dah terlalu ramai tanya..

"intan sape bf ko skrg?" "intan ko nie ade bf x? aku konfiusing ngan ko nih"

oh terima kasih la amik berat..caring rupenyer stalker2 nih...HAHA
ok aku single tp available or x yg tu PnC... :p
and and and my ex is my past time. semua tu kenangan..jgn risau aku xkacau dah..HAHA
tp if just call tnya khabar as a friend aku angkat pandai2 la jaga bf korang yer..the most important is aku taw apa yg ada dlm hati aku..mcm aku ckp td la AKU XNAK!

lelaki...pada diri aku..buat sekarang aku perlukan masa depan i mean kerjaya..aku perlu capai impian aku dulu..aku perempuan yg mata duitan tapi hasil titik peluh aku..bukan harta org..yg mana hutang aku akn bayar..itu janji aku pada diri aku.. aku semak bila lelaki megongkong.menyendeng..duhh jiwa kacau la tp aku xsemak kalo abg2 aku mengongkong sbb aku taw dorg sayang aku sbb aku 1 1 nya adik perempuan dorg. lagipon the only penjaga aku dorg lah kn...

"intan ko bile nak kawin?" 

nie lagi 1 soalan~ aku pening nak jawab..
bila bf pon xde..ape kejadah nyer nak kawin lah...ish..nnti2 la..aku xnak lagi lahhh...even kdang2 jeles gak member aku dah ade dah rezeki dorg dulu..alhamdullillah..tapi kalo dah ditakdirkan jodoh aku dah sampai apa bole buat..aku terima seadanya..hehe dah ada yg betul2 utk aku buat masa depan aku umumkan owkay.. :P (gatal)

ok then thankz for everything. 

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Tamak Haloba

Saya seorang yang tamak haloba...
semua benda saya nak buat dalam waktu yang singkat..
kenapa? saya risau faktor umur saya makin meningkat..
saya risau  kalo saya xjumpa jalan masa depan..
saya xsuka buat benda yang sama sepanjang tahun.
oh itu bukan diri saya...
apa lagi yg perlu saya buat utk meningkatkan produktiviti poket saya?
fenin fenin fenin. 

@.@~   +__+"

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

oh my heart oh my soul~

2 am..aku still xbole tido...kepala aku ligat memikir dua benda yang aku kena berkorban sikit...
emm sikit kew? banyak la jugak rase nyer..masa depan aku. haihh.

kan best kalo ke zon sekolah...pagi bgun awal then g sekolah. ptg balik tido..sabtu ahad cuti..
dan begitulah kisah seharian walaupun kadang-kadang aku rase membosankan dan membuatkan aku
curi-curi merayau...hehe

tapi sekarang aku dah habis sekolah, every single step aku kena fikir sejauh mungkin.
sekali aku salah aku da xboleh patah balik..bagi org yg pandai dan otak geliga mungkin dorg just
further study n continue sampai aku ni jenis otak tepu...masuk unisel separuh jalan
last2 menanggung hutang...

bila dah keja dapat gaji..separuh dari gaji aku terpaksa bayar balik loan study xhabis..
memang terbaik,,,letih...rasa nak meraung kuat2! huuwaaarghh!! tu la nama nya melintas xtengok kiri kanan.
bila dah accident br nak menyesal..kau careless intan...

tapi even aku xpandai dari segi akademik..aku beralih ke arah kemahiran..minat aku mendalam...sebab aku memang
suka tengok orang cantik and berstyle..eventhough org ramai nmpk pakai baju mcm org rabun warna tapi bagi aku tu style seseorang..
sebab aku pon suka funkey,rock and kandang2 xsemenggah langsung style orang..HAHA
bukan la yg seksi meksi jew xsemenggah maksud aku..alaa mcm chinese style..kan pelik2 cara dorang pakai..
bukan jugak aku nak membanggakan bangsa dorang tapi kitakan 1 malaysia... :p terpulang pada individu la kan..huhu

ok berbalik pada topik masa depan..sesapa yang kenal aku memang dorg dah taw apa yg aku suka..contohnya...
aku memang addicted dengan colour biru n colourful,aku xbole makan pedas,aku gila dengan mini cooper s, and aku
adalah salah seorang dari club kipas salena gomez..WAHAHAHAHa!

tersebutlah kisah seorang perempuan memang berniat nak beli mini cooper s dengan hasil titik peluh nyer...mampu kew?
aku pasti aku boleh asalkan aku berusaha...betol x? that why aku xsuka semakkan kepala aku dgn masalah remeh tempe..
selagi impian aku xtercapai dek akalmu bak kata elyana jgn harap aku nak kusutkan kepala..hehe
intan seorg yg ego kn?HAHA so what? :p

tapi sekarang kepala aku tgh bercelaru...tetiba aku terniat something yg terluah dari akal yg gedik..
aku nak sambung study lagi...maklum la..dlu blaja giat mara jew...tapi yang nie memang course yang aku memang suka and keja nie la
yg bagi aku duit tiap2 bulan sekarang..aku just nak improve kepala otak aku dengan ilmu yg fulltank je..
hishhhh tapi bapak mahal dow...mana ntah aku nak cekau lagi??!!!
memang la ada tempat yang murah sikit dari tmpt yg aku nak apply tu..tapi aku takut dah habis nnti
aku xnmpk jalan aku nak bayar balik loan la sengal...even tempat tu mahal sikit tapi berbaloi kot sijil dia nnti...
gaji xcalang rase nyer...zzzZZZZ mata ku dah scroll alot of money.. $__$ HAHAHA
ntah2 kalo ada rezeki dapat jugak aku sambung study lagi sampai oversea..
amboii over lah kau intan....tapi siapa yang tahu kn? takdir Allah SWT yang tentukan.kita cuma perlu berusaha aite? insyaAllah.. :)

tapi nanti kalo dah tersangkut hutang lagi kat ampaian aku... keturunan keberapa pulak aku bole dapat mini cooper s huh?
berjanggut la aku dok sebut nama kereta tu kn...kempuanan hasrat hati mak nokk....ntah2 mase tu mini cooper rakyat jelata pandang mcm kereta kancil jew..
lagi la aku rase nak cepuk diri sendiri...ishhhh..apa aku nak buat??  2 2 nie impian aku..hukhukhuk *___*"
(di kesempatan ini saya xberniat nak kutuk kereta kancil..)

bukan senang nak senang,
hidup xselalu indah,
langit xselalu cerah kn....

oh abah... i misshhh u, i come to my soul and mark your warning in my mind...lets think about it together..lets bring me to the bright future..
tell me what should i do.. i'll follow...

goodnite. tido bermimipikan mini cooper s and konvo pegang sijil Level 3 Professional Diploma in Hair Design..
(pengunguman: dalam bidang kemahiran diploma hair design umpama anda memiliki master art and design) HAHA

Intan Zulfika. :)

Friday, October 7, 2011

Totaly blind

I see you all the time
Never see you smile
I try to picture what's going on in your mind
He leaves you every night by yourself
He took your love and put it on the shelf
He doesn't really care... how you feel...
You should be moving on girl what's the deal?
I wanna see you out that door... cause girl you know you're worth much more
So baby tell me why you stick around

Always lonely and you only wear a frown
He don't treat you good and you know

The only thing left is for you to go
You shouldn't live a lie with someone
When deep inside you know he ain't the one
I don't know what to say no more
I wanna see you out that door
Yah azizi (yo precious) is mahini (listen to me)
I really don't wanna see u cry
Mujko samjho dil peh mat lo (understand me don't take it to heart)
Don't wanna see another tear in your eye
Baby break away
Let him go
I don't know he's done to you
But I know that it's time to move on
Girl your love is blind
Girl I understand
That you're scared
And you feel that you might never love again
But baby that ain't true
No no no
I know that there some there for you
Someone that will see
That you are worth
An undiscovered treasure on this earth
Girl you know you're worth so much more
I wanna see you out that door
Yah azizi (yo precious) is mahini (listen to me)
I really don't wanna see u cry
Mujko samjho dil peh mat lo (understand me don't take it to heart)
Don't wanna see another tear in your eye
Baby break away
Let him go
I don't know he's done to you
But I know it's time to move on
Girl your love is blind
Yah azizi (yo precious) is mahini (listen to me)
I really don't wanna see u cry
Mujko samjho dil peh mat lo (understand me don't take it to heart)
Don't wanna see another tear in your eye
Baby break away
Let him go
I don't know he's done to you
But I know it's time to move on


Friday, September 30, 2011


<3 We have been silent for 6 years today. seriously NOTHING. keep on playing around then terkantoi lagi...kantoi lagi..dan kantoi lagi...Apa nak jadi?? Apa pon xbole.. haihhh.. 

<3 Biarkan masa yang tentuan apa kesudahan.

<3 I adore u as a liar.
<3 Kita ada jalan masing-masing.

<3 I'm waiting for somebody new. ;-P

<3 Saya setia selagi saya boleh setia.

<3 <3 <3 six love for six years <3 <3 <3

nah amik key chain nih. :p

Thursday, September 29, 2011

SILENT +____+

yg tu peribahasa utk org kentut xde bunyi tapiiiii bau nyerrrr peerghhhh tongsampah pon xbusuk mcm tu...HAHA lagi2 kalo baru lepas makan tolo..HAHHA harum semerbak baiiiii~

ok aku bukan nak ckp pasal silent tu..
entri nie aku nak ckp pasal diam xbermakna salah.
ok betul..kadang2 bila kita tgok balikkn..diam tu just nak selamatkan keadaan.
umur semakin meningkatkan..dah bole fikir dengan rasionalkn....
xkan nak buat perangai mase tadika dulu.."gadoh sebab kebas pensil member sambil jelir2 lidah kan..." :p
ok skarang dah maju..even nak marah pon..time tu je..cehh cakap pandai..(time tu pon makan mase dlm 3 hari plus2 jgk..) biasa la..aku pon manusia..ade sifat marah bak kata BOXERKEDUT.BLOGSPOT.COM

ok aku nie jenis marah sekejap jew..sebab aku akan buat spekulasi balik..untuk apa aku semakkan kepala aku..andai kata semak itu akan membina sebuah mini cooper s..yeabbaaa yebbbaaa! hari2 aku nak semak..

tapi.sebagai manusia biasa marah itu selalu je ada..memang xbole lari pon..manusia kan xpernah berpuas hati
dengan sesuatu benda.. anda kena terima yang tu. sometime bila kita marah akan ada hikmah disebalik tu.
contoh nyer.kalo kita marah orang dengki dgan kita.hikmah nya kita taw perangai sebenar-benarnya orang tu macam mana..
eh! yeker? HAHA tibai je lah..suke hati aku la..ini belog aku~ :p

bila marah biarkan sekejap sampai cool. then dah! enough!.u must keep yourself into silent mode.
lagi banyak anda bercakap lagi banyak dosa yang anda akan tabur.
contohnya suara dan lidah bersatu mengeluarkan kata2 kesat. atau bahasa pasar nyer mencarut.

tapi ingat! aku diam xbermakna aku lupa.aku diam xbermakna aku takut.aku diam xbermakna aku lurus walaupun aku memang cepat blur.
aku diam just untuk mencantikkan keadaan. so jangan digali lagi diam aku. senyap and do what you want to do.

do you remember poem "the road not taken by robert frost" ?

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

aku dah pilih jalan aku sendiri. salah atau betul biarlah aku yang tanggung.
atlis aku tidak and tak nak menyusahkan sesiapa.
ok dah chow.

cite pasal diam kan..aku teringat 2 orang sepupu aku..
mase dorang tadika kn..dorang kene salotep mulut dengan cekgu tadika sebab mulut dorang xreti DIAMM!
hahahahahahahaahahahaha :))

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

When u walk pass me, its like u never even knew who i was…

Do you remember when we were best friends?When we'd share our every thought?Every smile?And every laugh?Oh, and did you remember when you broke my heart?Because I seem to remember that more than anything.I trusted you, I trusted you to take care of my heart.I trusted you not to take it and stomp on it.
The day you betrayed my trust was the day that I lost all my trust for you.I believed that you would take care of my heart and that's why I left it with you.Well, I am taking it back because at this very moment I can't trust you with my heart.In fear that you will hurt me once more.
Look at me through my eyes and feel the pain I hide inside.
It breaks my heart.. it makes me sad to think of all the times we had.You made me laugh. And all that I can do is sigh,and wonder why.
I wish I could walk away and forget what we have,but I can't,because I know you won't come after me,and I guess that's what hurts the most.
It's really amazing when two strangers become the best of friends,but it's really sad when the best of friends become two strangers.
trust can take years to build,but only a second to break.
If you ever have to question a friendship,then can it really be called "BFF?"
How can it be that two of the greatest friends in the world can go from being each other's everything to absolutely nothing?

I want to be able to look at you and not be hurt by you.
Do you know what its like to reach for the phone, and then have to pull your hand back because you remember you're not supposed to call anymore? You sit back with tears building up in your eyes because you know its not the last time you'll miss the conversations you shared.
To lose a friend has to be the greatest pain you will ever feel. Every time I look at you, I remember that pain.
The light that fueled our fire then has burned a hole between us so
We cannot see to reach an end

Just, not enough.
I need more.
Nothing seems to satisfy. crippling our communication.

Have you ever been low? Have you ever had a friend that let you down so?When the truth came out...Were you the last to know? (Kelly Clarkson)
Through the years I cried my tears,
Without your help I've faced fears.
And it's plain through tears I cry, That's its time to say goodbye.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

eyes water HAHA

ANDA FAHAM APA ITU EYES WATER?? atau dalam bahasa melayu nya....AIR MATA..
ok yg sebetulnya bahasa omputeh yg cikgu aku ajar dolu "tears" betulkn??
haaa dah bpe tahun tinggal kn skola..otak aku pon dah lembab nak scan macam macam..
lately asik dok scan duit kat dpn cashier jew...mmg la nk scan benda lain dah tak lut...
taw dak lut tu apa? haha p tanya org Kedah Darul Aman..HAHA

ok fine.sebenarnyer entri tentang aku jew...i dont know kenapa dengan aku...payah bebeno nak sensitip..tipu la aku xpernah menangis, tp memang payah...last aku menangis mase kene ceramah kaw2 ngan boss..HEHE kenapa??cer cita?? RAHSIA!! xbole cite.malu.... ngee B-)

hmm nak kata aku nie keras hati batu xde perasaan....weyh agak2 la..aku pon manusia beb! tapi tu la hakikat..

ok mase zaman aku gedik2 dulu pon aku pernah SEKALI je mata aku bocor. tu pon sebab dah tak tahan tahap dewa dah... sampai satu tahap dia buat wa sentappp...perghhhh memang tersentapp mak nok! kalo stakat lu jln pegang pegang wa tadahal la..wa pandang sebelah mata je beb.tapi lu main kasar .depan-depan kot lu bikin projek kos rendah..haihh memang lu saket jiwa maw pujuk wa kan? sampai wa demam lu ckp wa mcm kena rasuk...haaa amik ko. ko xpernah tgok air mata aku kn? sekali je aku rakamkn depan mata ko.lepas tu harap maaf tiada siaran ulangan. Siaran ulangan akan ada kalo suami saye buat hal jew..bukan stakat demam..padam terus rasa nya...HAHA

ok then aku CUMA sensitip ngan family, wa cukup touching kalo abg2 or mak or seangkatan yg bernama keluarga wa menyakitkan hati. wa xmarah balik..tapi wa diam2 tenyeh mata guna tangan wa..ok dah! jgn cite lebih2..malu..ngee :) dalam hati wa tetap ade taman rama-rama kn. HAHA

ok ini serius punyer, air mata perempuan saya betul betul mengalir dari hati yg halus saat saya melihat tubuh ayah saya dikafan kan. terbayang mcm mana dia akan tempuh dunia baru dia seorang diri? bolehkah dia? sedangkan masa dia kena kerja di hari raya pon dia menangis, tapi itu qada' dan qadar.saya dengar talkin "mati itu benar" saya terima dengan kata yang positive. saya rasa dia bahagia disana selagi kami disini sentiasa mendoakan dia dan kami tahu sebaik mana dia sebagai mana baik nya dia sebagai seorang ayah mendidik kami menjadi seorang yang berperikemanusiaan.
kami dibesarkan dengan sifat yg sederhana atas bantuan isteri tercinta ayah saya dan cintanya dibawa sehingga ke hujung nyawa.cinta nya yang membawa ke syurga.cinta yg abadi.cintailah ibubapa anda :)

yang selebih nyer aku nanges kalo aku saket tahap cipan, ciapn pon tak guling2 mcm aku.

tapi korang jgn keliru antara sebak dengan air mata,

bagi aku kn..bagi aku laaaaa sebak tu bila ada something dlm hati yg tidak terluah.sakit yg simpan didalam pendam perasaan org ckp.aku pernah rasa sebak tu mcm mana. rase mcm xbole nak bernafas. nak ckp xbole..nak nangis pon rase nyer xde eyes water pon. ntah yg mengalami nyer jer yg faham sebak tu ape..korang nak taw lebih lanjut sebak tu hape....korang google la sendiri sebab aku malas...
aku ckp pkai apa yg terlintas je..HAHA eyh suke hati la...bluwekk :-p
huuuwaaaAAAA sob sob sob!

*yg penting air mata aku mahal sebab aku diamond* HAHA poyo xnak kalah... :-p

Friday, August 19, 2011

b0san dikala cuti

huh! jarang aku rasa bosan mcm nih masa cuti..aku rase nk g kerja pon ada..cehh! poyo xmau kalah.
tp btol la...aku bosan tahap gaban nih.
sebenarnya tadi xde la bosan mcm nih. lepas on call.trus rasa bosan sbb aku kena marah. sigh. 
haa one more thing aku agak menyampah menyampah menyampah!!!! rase nk sepak dr jauh pon ade.semak pale otak aku jew, dah try buat pandai makin lama makin menyampahhh!!
sHOOOO ko g main jauh2 la....cepat la BROOMBUS! 
dah la aku tension seminggu aku xtido mlm
maklum lew dolu2 aku dok london. siang jadi mlm,mlm jadi siang.
oh well well well i didnt get my perfecto nap.(rase nk tampaq laju2 la u nih!) sigh.

budak nie memang mcm bangahbangang. HAHA

arghhh chowkitchinchowcampursoya. sayurkailanikanmasinnara.yawn!


On the first page of our story
the future seemed so bright
then this thing turned out so evil
I don’t know why I’m still surprised
even angels have their wicked schemes
and you take that to new extremes
but you’ll always be my hero
even though you’ve lost your mind
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
but that’s all right because I like the way it hurts
just gonna stand there and hear me cry
but that’s all right because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
Ohhh, I love the way you lie
Now there’s gravel in our voices
glass is shattered from the fight
in this tug of war, you’ll always win
even when I’m right
‘cause you feed me fables from your hand
with violent words and empty threats
and it’s sick that all these battles
are what keeps me satisfied
So maybe I’m a masochist
I try to run but I don’t wanna ever leave
til the walls are goin’ up
in smoke with all our memories
This morning, you wake, a sunray hits your face
smeared makeup as we lay in the wake of destruction
hush baby, speak softly, tell me that you're awfully sorry
that you pushed me into the coffee table last night
so I can push you off me
try and touch me so I can scream at you not to touch me
run out the room and I’ll follow you like a lost puppy
baby, without you, I’m nothing, I’m so lost, hug me
then tell me how ugly I am, but that you’ll always love me
then after that, shove me, in the aftermath of the
destructive path that we’re on, two psychopaths but we
know that no matter how many knives we put in each other’s backs
that we’ll have each other’s backs, ’cause we’re that lucky
together, we move mountains, let’s not make mountains out of molehills,
you hit me twice, yeah, but who’s countin’?
I may have hit you three times, I’m startin’ to lose count
but together, we’ll live forever, we found the youth fountain
our love is crazy, we’re nuts, but I refused counsellin’
this house is too huge, if you move out I’ll burn all two thousand
square feet of it to the ground, ain’t shit you can do about it
'cause with you I’m in my fuckin’ mind, without you, I’m out it.

yes, i'am a masochist.i try to run but i don't wanna leave. till the end of time.. as what as u want.. i'll keep it to myself.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Life is too precious.DO NOT DESTROY IT!
Life is a luck.Make it.
Life is a tragedy.Confront it.
Life is an adventure.Dare it

Life is a song,Sing it.
Life is a sorrow.Overcome it
Life is a promise.Fulfill it.
Life is a game.Play it
Life is a duty,Complete it
Life is a challenge.Meet it
Life is a dream,Realize it
Life is a bliss,Taste it.
Life is an opportunity,Benefit from it.
Life is a beauty, Admire it